Growing a business is hard.

It's more than hard. Sometime it feels downright impossible.

You get out of a meeting and you’ve got 18 voicemails waiting. One from an angry customer and another from the mission-critical vendor who wants to be paid, NOW. And, oh, your spouse needs your help with the kids, the back yard needs mowing, and the car has to go to the shop because something doesn’t sound right.

Welcome to life as a business owner.

If only you could get more of the right kind of customers -- the ones who are happy to pay you on time for a job done with excellence. If only you could get the quality employees -- the ones who are willing to work hard for the money you’re paying them. If only you could start getting ahead -- putting money away for a rainy day and actually getting ahead so you can take some time off.

Well… you can!

This is where I come in. I am an experienced entrepreneur. I am an expert in one thing - building profitable companies through business performance coaching.

Are you Stuck? I can help

More leads, sales, aggressive growth

You won’t believe how easy it is to get your phone ringing with top-shelf, ready-to-buy prospects until you see our methods for yourself. It’s time to leave your competitors crying like little girls and begging for mercy.

Recruit winners instead of losers.

Only the very best hiring managers win the perpetual war for talent. You’ll join the ranks of elite recruiters when you learn how the top guns do it. It’s time to get the rock stars you deserve and let the rest work for the other guy.

Control your cash and stash money away.

Smart business owners know how to control costs, forecast and manage cash, and grow profits. It’s time to control the flow of money through your business and build a nice large pile of cash in your bank account.

Get you business read to sell for big bucks.

Any business can be turned into a cash machine that runs without the daily involvement of the owner. It’s time to turn your staff into a team that will run your business like they own it, so you can sell it to whomever you wish, whenever you wish.

Skeptical? Yeah, I get it.

With thousands of people offering business coaching and consulting on their “proprietary” ideas at ridiculous rates, I’m not surprised that you can’t be bothered. In fact, I’m surprised that you’re still reading...

What does the average business coach, consultant, or trainer really know about running a business of their own, much less one like yours?

I couldn’t agree more. Good business success coaching is hard to come by.

Most of it is nothing but repackaged and regurgitated common sense you can find on the business bookshelves at Barnes and Noble.

Why should I be your business coach?

I have worked in several industries over my career, including; Finance, IT, Software Development, Manufacturing, Distribution and Logistics.

I have built multiple high-impact teams from the ground-up.

These teams have consisted of on-premise employees. co-located employees, remote employees, contractors and off-shore resources.

I have generated over $8.5 million dollars in annual costing savings for organizations that have worked with me.

I have brought over 100 new products to market.

I have made unprofitable companies profitable, streamlined work processes, improved inventory turns, and increased speed of payment from customers.

On a personal note: Through my engagements with organizations of all sizes, different leadership styles, as well as multiple cultures, I have learned the one thing we need is better communication. The best communicators are the best leaders, and the best leaders are those that have invested in themselves to understand who they really are and how they are perceived. They have worked to reduce the blind spots in their lives and find the best versions of themselves to share with the world.

Need business coaching for growth?

Complete this simple form now for your FREE Consultation.

  • No pie-in-the-sky

  • No generic ideas

  • No hard sell

Just straight-forward analysis of your marketing and sales chops, team-building skills, gross and net profitability, and business transfer readiness.

It's time. Contact me.